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Instrumenting ILogger to .net core app trace - Dynatrace sink

App Environment: Azure, .NET Core 3.1, C#

We understand that Serilog provides a Dynatrace Sink Serilog.Sinks.Dynatrace for logging app trace statements to Dynatrace.

We are trying to avoid having a dependency on Serilog in our .NET core app.

Is there any library/nuget that Dynatrace provides that has the necessary sink that can be configured to send in app level trace info to Dynatrace log viewer?

Or, is there a setting/configuration in Dynatrace that allows for enabling OneAgent running on the cloud infrastructure to do it out of the box with no instrumentation?

We are trying to move app trace logging away from Azure App Insights to Dynatrace log viewer.

https://github.com/Dynatrace/openkit-do.net This is the location of the dynatrace openkit.

I have no idea if Dynatrace enforces a serilog dependency, but if it does, you will find it in here, and then you should be able to write an extension that doesn't rely on it?


Best option I got. Then at least, the answer is programming related:D

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