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vue3-html2pdf generates blank pdf

this generates blank pdf for me:

      <section slot="pdf-content"><div>hii</div></section>


  :style="{ cursor: 'pointer' }"

  generatePDF() {

Please help me as soon as possible. I have a strict deadline. I will try all possible solutions, can anyone help me.

i try this librairy to after your message. And, with vue3 i have blank page too...

After some hour of work, i try html2pdf.js directly (your library is just a fork for vuejs) and it's work perfectly with vuejs 3;)

 - doc canvas options : https://html2canvas.hertzen.com/configuration
 - doc jspdf options : https://rawgit.com/MrRio/jsPDF/master/docs/jsPDF.html
 - doc html2pdf.js : https://ekoopmans.github.io/html2pdf.js/
    generateReport () {
      html2pdf(this.$refs.document, {
        margin: 0.2,
        filename: this.options.title + ".pdf",
        pagebreak:  { after: '.sautDePage' },
        image: { 
          type: "jpeg", 
          quality: 2
        html2canvas: { 
          scale: 2, 
          letterRendering: true
        jsPDF: { 
          unit: "in", 
          format: "a4", 
          orientation: "portrait"
<section class="pdf-content  q-pa-md bg-white" ref="document">
          <section class="pdf-item" style="background-image: url('fixture/bg.PNG'); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: 50% 0; background-size: cover;">
            <h4 style="font-family: cursive;" class="text-primary">Dolore culpa eiusmod aute labore labore eu nulla.</h4>
            <span>Lorem Lorem incididunt qui in aute aliquip incididunt anim veniam in reprehenderit eiusmod qui minim. Do officia elit duis culpa non excepteur. Ut quis reprehenderit cupidatat exercitation.</span>
            <img src="fixture/unicorn.png" />

            <div class="sautDePage"></div>
            <h2 style="background: white">HTML Table</h2>

gl !

I try this library too. And, with vue3 I have a blank page too...

After some search, I find this solution:

 <VueHtml2pdf:show-layout="false":float-layout="true":enable-download="false":preview-modal="true":paginate-elements-by-height="1400" filename="nightprogrammerpdf":pdf-quality="2":manual-pagination="false" pdf-format="a4":pdf-margin="10" pdf-orientation="portrait" pdf-content-width="800px" @progress="onProgress($event)" ref="html2Pdf" > <template v-slot:pdf-content> <p>your content here</p> </template> </VueHtml2pdf>

you can check vue docs for more information about slots https://vuejs.org/guide/components/slots.html#scoped-slots

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