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Why first page is left blank on printing with vue-html2pdf which internally uses html2pdf.js

Hi i'm facing the problem with printing using vue component called vue-html2pdf

The problem as follows:

  1. the pagination does not break the page when content added. on print page becomes 3
  2. the first page is printing as blank on click of download

Here is the setting i'm using for printing:


Here is a demo: https://codesandbox.io/s/vue-html-to-pdf-example-forked-3lijbr?file=/src/App.vue:95-532

After playing around with your codesandbox, I found solution: remove section, then the first blank page gone.

<section slot="pdf-content">
  <ContentToPrint />
<ContentToPrint slot="pdf-content" />

but pagination of the new pdf still looks strange, to fix that remove the in ContentToPrint, than the pdf looks perfect to me.

  <div style="margin: 12px 12px">
    <img src="https://picsum.photos/500/300" />
    <!-- <div> -->
        ><a href="https://www.nightprogrammer.com/" target="_blank"

I guess the library can't accept too much div.

Here is my modified codesandbox. pdf looks better if you open standalone page ( https://1puw7d.csb.app )


Just replace the section element by a div and should fix it for you.

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