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is Vaadin Ready For Three Digits User Agent Strings

We are using Vaadin 7, 14 and 21. I am curious about the upcomming 3 digits browser version


Is vaadin will have any issues withe the browser version change? or how can we test that?

thanks and best regards

I am trying to find a test algorithm to test the vaadin framwork if the browser version change to three digits.

The easiest way to test this is to install Chrome Canary today and use your application with that. It is version 102 already.

Test your real application, not only some of the libraries/frameworks you are using.

使用 vaadin 7 测试

I have tested our application build with with vaadin 7 Framework. atleast the framework is parsing the major version correctly. now as the Artur mentioned. All other code point which are somehow parsing the ua-agent string must be teseted as well. In vaadin serverside you can test it with the following code snipet:


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