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How to Make Laravel Eloquent "AND" in a Query?

I am making a website in my job and I have an issue.

This is what I want to do; in MySQL ( PHPMyAdmin ) it works with no problems:

FROM tipo_usuarios
    ON tipo_usuarios.id = users.id AND 
       tipo_usuarios.jerarquia = "Administrador";

PHPMyAdmin 成功查询运行

Well this is my Eloquent in Laravel, it works but only with IDs. I don't know how to add AND in Eloquent.

$visitas = User::join("visitas", "visitas.id_usuario", "=", "users.id")


You can use function for second argument in join

$visitas = User::join("visitas", function ($join) {
    $join->on("visitas.id_usuario", "=", "users.id")

However, you should read the documentation for creating Eloquent relationship. This is a more convenient and understandable functionality than using the query builder

Eloquent relationship

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