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Controller returns a null IActionResult when running xUnit test

I'm having some difficulties making my unit test pass.

This is my unit test class:

public class DetectVin
    private readonly VehicleControllerFixture _controllerFixture;

    public DetectVin(VehicleControllerFixture controllerFixture)
        _controllerFixture = controllerFixture;

    public async Task ReturnsBadRequestGivenPictureIsNull()
        var controllerMock = _controllerFixture.VehicleController;
        controllerMock.Protected().Setup<bool>("HasAnyLicenseClaims", ItExpr.IsAny<string[]>()).Returns(true);
        var result = await controllerMock.Object.DetectVin(null, 1) as BadRequestResult;


It is using a CollectionFixture that looks like this:

public class VehicleControllerFixture
    public Mock<v1.v1._0.Vehicle.VehicleController> VehicleController { get; set; }

    public VehicleControllerFixture()
        var vehicleServiceMock = new Mock<IVehicleService>();
        VehicleController = new Mock<v1.v1._0.Vehicle.VehicleController>(vehicleServiceMock.Object);

public class VehicleControllerCollection : ICollectionFixture<VehicleControllerFixture>

And the method that's being test DetectVin looks like this:

public async Task<IActionResult> DetectVin([FromBody]string picture, [FromQuery]int activityId)
    if (!HasAnyLicenseClaims("ModuleMyWorkshopHGSService", "ModuleMyWorkshopToyotaService")) { return NotAllowed(); }

    if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(picture))
        return BadRequest();

    var result = await _vehicleService.DetectVin(picture);
    if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(result))
        return UnprocessableEntity();

    var activityVinDetection = new ActivityVinDetection
        ActivityId = activityId,
        UsedOnActivity = false,
        Vin = result


    return Ok(result);

My problem is that the DetectVin method always returns null . This is even though I can debug the test and step through the method just fine, seeing that it actually returns the BadRequest() .

Anyone has any idea why that could be?


Here is the base controller that the VehicleController inherits from:

public abstract class AIdpClaimsAuthController : BaseController, IAuthorizedController
    public int WorkshopId
            var wid = User.Claims.SingleOrDefault(sd => sd.Type == "sub");
            if (wid == null || !int.TryParse(wid.Value, out int workshopId))
                throw new System.Security.Authentication.AuthenticationException("Unauthorized");
            return workshopId;
    protected virtual bool HasAnyLicenseClaims(params string[] licenseClaims)
        foreach (var claim in licenseClaims)
            if (AuthorizationService.HasLicenseClaims(WorkshopId, claim))
                return true;
        return false;

And here is the base controller that the AIdpClaimsAuthController inherits from:

public abstract class BaseController : Controller
    private IAuthorizationService __authorizationService;
    public IAuthorizationService AuthorizationService
            if (__authorizationService == null)
                __authorizationService = this.HttpContext.RequestServices.GetService(typeof(IAuthorizationService)) as IAuthorizationService;
            return __authorizationService;

Found the solution using MockBehaviour.Strict . Turns out that I also needed to mock the result that my controller generated for the BadRequest method.

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