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Trino iceberg connector "getTablesWithParameter for GlueHiveMetastore is not implemented"

I'm running trino on EMR version 6.5 and I have added the iceberg connector for the trino and I want it to use a glue catalog. These are the configuration under the iceberg.properties

hive.metastore = glue
hive.metastore.glue.region = us-east-1
hive.metastore.glue.endpoint-url = https://glue.us-east-1.amazonaws.com

However, when I connect to the server via CLI or python client ( trino-cli --catalog iceberg ) I get the following error for any query ( for example show tables )

message="getTablesWithParameter for GlueHiveMetastore is not implemented"

Does anybody know if I have the wrong configuration or can guide me on the right direction?

Glue support was added in Trino version 374 and I was using the older version of Trino installed on EMR.

Link to GitHub issue

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