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Flutter Mockito Test StreamSubscription onError

I am trying to test a cubit which subscribes to a firebaseAuth listener that is prone to fail and presumably call "onError" on the subscriber.

I am struggling to mock the exception as a subscription does not really "throw" per se, but rather calls onError using a callback.

My cubit defines:

configureUserListener(String uid) {
    userSubscription = _listenToUser(uid).listen((user) async {
      //Do something with the user

    userSubscription!.onError((e) async {
      await logout();
        RootCubitError(state.user, e.toString()),

My test is structured so when _listenToUser is called, it throws. However, that is not what actually happens when the stream fails. Again, it instead calls onError.

My test:

test('should logout when user listener throws error', () async {
  _auth = MockFirebaseAuth(
    signedIn: true,
    mockUser: MockUser(uid: parent1.id, email: parent1.email),

  var cubit = _cubit(_auth);


  when(_listenToUser(any)).thenThrow(Exception()); //This is wrong, as it throws an error, instead of calling onError


  await expectLater(


and my stream:

  Stream<User> user(String uid) {
    return FirebaseFirestore.instance
        .map((doc) => UserModel.fromMap(doc.id, doc.data())); //This map can fail and call onError

Any idea on how I can mock the call to onError in this case?

It is only possible to mock methods of mock classes. For example, in your case you could mock when(_auth.anyMethod(any)).thenThrow(Exception()) because _auth is a mock class.

It's not clear if cubit is a mock class. If it is you could change the method _listenToUser from private to public in your Cubit and add the @visibleForTestign annotation to warn you not to use it unless in a test like so:

listenToUser(String uid) {

Then you can do when(cubit.listenToUser(any)).thenThrow(Exception())

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