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Changed embedded tomcat server version to 9 and using spring boot 1.5.10 RELEASE getting able to start embed web application

We are using spring boot 1.5.10 release and default embedded tomcat server 8.4.5 and changed the tomcat server to 9.0.3 by using Gradle 2.12 version in build.gradle ext('tomcat.version:9.0.3')

and trying to run apllication Getting Error: .... nested exception is java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.apache.catalina.Context.addServletMapping(Ljava/lang/String)

Spring Boot 1.5 does not support using Tomcat 9 as an embedded web server . To use Tomcat 9 you should upgrade to a supported version of Spring Boot. At the time of writing, 2.5.x and 2.6.x are the supported versions. Both use Tomcat 9.0.x by default.

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