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MySQL phpMyAdmin: Error #1932 - Table doesn't exist in engine

in phpMyAdmin I can see all databases and tables. But when clicking on any table I get the error
Error #1932 - Table 'mytablename' doesn't exist in engine

I tried a lot of solution advises found on Google and Stackoverflow, but nothing helped for me. Is there a way to extract the data as SQL files that I can import them on a clean installation?

I'm working with XAMPP on Windows 11.

I have tried dozens of SO threads and the solution advises there. I was not able to find a solution working for me.

Xampp-mysql - "Table doesn't exist in engine" #1932
- I tried it with new and old files of ib_logfile0, ib_logfile1 and ibdata1
- I checked the my.ini for innodb_data_file_path = ibdata1:10M:autoextend

Database corruption with MariaDB: Table doesn't exist in engine
- Tried to backup with mysqldump -u root --all-databases > sql_file.sql
Result: mysqldump: Got error: 1932: "Table 'mytablename' doesn't exist in engine" when using LOCK TABLES

mysql 1932 table doesn't exist in engine
- The old pcs xampp version was 8.1.2, my new one 8.1.4 but i also tried to install the old 8.1.2 version resulting in the same Error.

Mysql Table 'db.table' doesn't exist in engine
- I'm on Windows, not Ubuntu (Linux)

how to fix #1932 - Table does not exist in engine
- I already copied the old files which are mentioned, without success.

phpMyAdmin error 1932 - table doesn't exist in engine
- Running the ALTER command in phpmyadmin also results in Error "#1932 - Table XYZ doesn't exist in engine"
- Changing the $i = 0 to $ = 1 in xampp/phpmyadmin/config.inc.php just brought me php errors.

#1932 table 'tablename' doesn't exist in engine
- I have no SQL-Backup to feed, otherwise I would have taken this from the beginning.

MySql - Error Code: 1932. Table doesn't exist in engine
- I did not add enum field

#1932 -Table doesn't exist in engine
- No solution advises here

  1. Run XAMPP as Administrator
  2. Restore Your Database Backup
  3. Change Your MySQL Port 3306 (MariaDB 3307 )

enter image description here I had this problem after reinstalling Xampp to the latest version. For my case i replaced my xampp/mysql folder with old mysql folder and it works

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