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gcloud app deploy is failing with Failed to create cloud build: Permission denied on 'locations/xyz' (or it may not exist)

I have a 2.x python app and some 3.x python app which are running on google app engine.

Recently, I had updated the 2.x app without any issue. Now, when I'm trying to deploy an update for a 3.x python app, I'm getting an error "Error Response: [7] Failed to create cloud build: Permission denied on"

Services to deploy:

descriptor:                  [C:\Users\artha\Documents\gae billApp\CbicNtfnAndAutoMailer\app.yaml]
source:                      [C:\Users\artha\Documents\gae billApp\CbicNtfnAndAutoMailer]
target project:              [cbicntfnandautomailer]
target service:              [default]
target version:              [1]
target url:                  [https://cbicntfnandautomailer.appspot.com]
target service account:      [App Engine default service account]

Do you want to continue (Y/n)?  Y

Beginning deployment of service [default]...
#= Uploading 0 files to Google Cloud Storage                =#
File upload done.
Updating service [default]...failed.
ERROR: (gcloud.app.deploy) Error Response: [7] Failed to create cloud build: Permission denied on 'locations/asia-south1' (or it may not exist)..

Previously, I did not face any issue.

gcloud app describe shows me

authDomain: gmail.com
codeBucket: staging.cbicntfnandautomailer.appspot.com
defaultBucket: cbicntfnandautomailer.appspot.com
defaultHostname: cbicntfnandautomailer.appspot.com
  splitHealthChecks: true
  useContainerOptimizedOs: true
gcrDomain: asia.gcr.io
id: cbicntfnandautomailer
locationId: asia-south1
name: apps/cbicntfnandautomailer
serviceAccount: cbicntfnandautomailer@appspot.gserviceaccount.com
servingStatus: SERVING

I have also tried disabling and re-enabling cloud build, but to no avail...

Can you please advice how to resolve the issue, thanks!!!

EDIT: As a workaround, created a seperate project and deployed there to resolve the issue, but the root cause still remains unknown!!

Check if you reached the limit of build-triggers allowed per region: Cloud build limits

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