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ERROR: Failed to create project. See firebase-debug.log for more info

i Found 0 Firebase projects. ✔ Enter a project id for your new Firebase project (eg my-cool-project) · onoja i New Firebase project onoja created succesfully. FirebaseCommandException: An error occured on the Firebase CLI when attempting to run a command. COMMAND: firebase projects:create onoja --json ERROR: Failed to create project. See firebase-debug.log for more info.


$ firebase login --reauth

if it does not work try Open terminal.

vim .zshrc

Press "i" key to activate insert mode.

add export PATH="$PATH":"$HOME/.pub-cache/bin"

Press "Esc" then write :wq in terminal and press enter to exit vim.

Reopen the terminal and check "flutterfire --version"

firebase login

flutterfire configure

if the solution above does not work try to create a project on firebase console manually, and in visual studio command flutterfire configure

This might be caused because you're using a new firebase account on Google or because you haven't set up the proper analytics on your Google firebase account.

I got rid of this by going into Google and setting up the project manually with all their various dialogues and then from thereon all other projects did not have this error in the CLI

if you just start using flutterfire configure for the first time. It means you haven't agreed any terms of use. You should go to firebase console on website first. Then start to build any project you want. You would asked to sign some papers during this process. Once it's done, you could use the terminal without the same error.

I solved the problem of creating a Flutter project in the command line.

Simply, the Project name should be less than 30 characters.

Please I hope you get the correct answer. ^^

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