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Laravel - Heroku - Docker - 404 (Not Found) js css files from public folder

I'm trying to deploy my Laravel application on Heroku but the assets that are in public folder aren't loading.

Application url: https://drinkco.herokuapp.com

I'm already trying to force https on AppServiceProvider with the code:

if(env('REDIRECT_HTTPS')) {
  $this->app['request']->server->set('HTTPS', true);

Procfile configuration : web: vendor/bin/heroku-php-nginx -C nginx.conf public/

The files are beeing generated by npm run prod

print screen from console error


web: vendor/bin/heroku-php-apache2 public/

You should check to see if you included the assets folder inside of your .gitignore file.

If you do not want to track changes to this folder, which you shouldn't, you can include it back to your .gitignore file after deploying to heroku

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