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Typescript inference error - variable with type string changes to undefined inside for loop

I'm using await-to-js library for error handling (the to method in the example below comes from the library)

For some reason, the type of a variable changes to string | undefined string | undefined inside of a for..of loop, when the value of the same variable is string outside of the loop.

Consider the following example (see testMethod for error):

function to<T, U = Error>(
    promise: Promise<T>,
    errorExt?: object
): Promise<[U, undefined] | [null, T]> {
    return promise
        .then<[null, T]>((data: T) => [null, data])
        .catch<[U, undefined]>((err: U) => {
            if (errorExt) {
                const parsedError = Object.assign({}, err, errorExt);
                return [parsedError, undefined];

            return [err, undefined];

async function retrieveAccessToken(): Promise<string> {
    const randomNumber = Math.random();

    if(randomNumber < 0.5) {
        throw new Error("Failed");

    return "testToken";

function printAccessToken(accessToken: string) {

async function testMethod(): Promise<boolean> {
    const accessTokenPromise = retrieveAccessToken();

    const [err, accessToken] = await to(accessTokenPromise);

        return false;

    // No error here

    for(let i = 0 ; i < 5; i++){
        // Error! Type Argument of type 'string | undefined' is not assignable to 
        // parameter of type 'string'.

    return true;

This seems to be solved by adding a if check on accessToken eg if(!accessToken) however it doesn't make sense why the type of accessToken is string | undefined string | undefined inside of the for loop but string outside of it?

Typescript playground

TypeScript has issues analyzing types in destructuring syntax. To get the expected behavior, assign the resolved value of to to a local variable, and reference accessToken after checking err .


    const [err, accessToken] = await to(accessTokenPromise);

        return false;


    const toResult = await to(accessTokenPromise);

    const [err] = toResult;
        return false;
    const [, accessToken] = toResult;

Playground link

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