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Execute Background Task In Javascript

I have a cpu intensive task that I need to run on the client. Ideally, I'd like to be able to invoke the function and trigger progress events using jquery so I can update the UI.

I know javascript does not support threading, but I've seen a few promising articles trying to mimic threading using setTimeout.

What is the best approach to use for this? Thanks.

Basically, what you want to do is to divide the operation into pieces. So say you have 10 000 items you want to process, store them in a list and then process a small number of them with a small delay between each call. Here's a simple structure you could use:

function performTask(items, numToProcess, processItem) {
    var pos = 0;
    // This is run once for every numToProcess items.
    function iteration() {
        // Calculate last position.
        var j = Math.min(pos + numToProcess, items.length);
        // Start at current position and loop to last position.
        for (var i = pos; i < j; i++) {
            processItem(items, i);
        // Increment current position.
        pos += numToProcess;
        // Only continue if there are more items to process.
        if (pos < items.length)
            setTimeout(iteration, 10); // Wait 10 ms to let the UI update.

    // A set of items.
    ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o'],
    // Process two items every iteration.
    // Function that will do stuff to the items. Called once for every item. Gets
    // the array with items and the index of the current item (to prevent copying
    // values around which is unnecessary.)
    function (items, index) {
        // Do stuff with items[index]
        // This could also be inline in iteration for better performance.

Also note that Google Gears has support to do work on a separate thread . Firefox 3.5 also introduced its own workers that do the same thing (although they follow the W3 standard , while Google Gears uses its own methods.)

I had a similar problem to solve recently where i needed to keep my UI thread free while crunching some data to display.

I wrote a library Background.js to handle a few scenarios: a sequential background queue (based on the WorkerQueue library), a list of jobs where each is called on every timer, and an array iterator to help break up your work into smaller chunks. Examples and code here: https://github.com/kmalakoff/background


If you can enforce the browser to be used, or you otherwise already know it to be a new version of Firefox, you could use the new WebWorkers from Mozilla. It allows you to spawn new threads.

Depending on what your requirements are, you may get off easily by using Gears. Gears supports threads, which could do what you want.

As you mentioned, setTimeout is the other option. Depending on the type of your task, you can hand off each iteration of a loop to a separate setTimeout call with some spacing in between, or you may need to separate pieces of your main algorithm into separate functions which can be called one by one in a same manner as you'd call each iteration.

Great answer Kevin! I wrote something similar a few years back, though less sophisticated. Source code is here if anyone wants it:


Anything with a run() method can be queued as a task. Tasks can re-queue themselves to perform work in chunks. You can prioritize tasks, add/remove them at will, pause / resume the entire queue, etc. Works well with asynchronous operations - my original use for this was to manage several concurrent XMLHttpRequests.

Basic usage is pretty simple:

var taskQueue = new TaskQueue();
taskQueue.schedule("alert('hello there')");

The header comments in the .js file provide more advanced examples.

Here is my solution to the problem, in case someone wants simple copy-pasteable piece of code:

    var iterate = function (from, to, action, complete) {
        var i = from;
        var impl = function () {
            if (i < to) setTimeout(impl, 1);
            else complete();

My strongest recommendation is to display a simple loading.gif during the operation. User often accepts some duration if they have been "told" that it could take some time.

Ajaxload - Ajax loading gif generator

This is a very basic example of how to create threads in JavaScript. Note that is is up to you to interrupt your thread functions (yeld instruction). If you want, you can use a setTimeout instead of my while loop to run the scheduler periodically. Note also that this example only works with JavaScript version 1.7+ (firefox 3+) you can try it here: http://jslibs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/jseval.html

//// thread definition
function Thread( name ) {

    for ( var i = 0; i < 5; i++ ) {

        Print(i+' ('+name+')');

//// thread management
var threads = [];

// thread creation
threads.push( new Thread('foo') );
threads.push( new Thread('bar') );

// scheduler
while (threads.length) {

    var thread = threads.shift();
    try {
    } catch(ex if ex instanceof StopIteration) { }

The output is:

0 (foo) 0 (bar) 1 (foo) 1 (bar) 2 (foo) 2 (bar) 3 (foo) 3 (bar) 4 (foo) 4 (bar) 

use requestIdleCallback() .

Then you will use the browsers idle time to process your task.

Sample found in: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Background_Tasks_API

there is a feature (experimental when I am writing):


seems not real multithread, but execute the task with low priority than the other (UI) tasks

so the solution can be:

  1. make your task asynchronous
  2. start your task with this requestIdleCallback
  3. loop using a setTimeout() with microtimes in your task, like between some main loop and his inner logic

the UI can update frequently in these timeouts

Seems this problem has been solved in node itself.
require child_process which is included in nodejs 0.10.4

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