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Getting fenceKey null in Awareness Api

Hi i´m working in app that have to notificate when the user starts driving, i used Neura Api but it needs a fixed notification, so i´m trying it with Awareness Api. I need the broadcast in the AndroidManifest.xml because i want to trigger the event even the app is not in background. The Fence is registered fine, the broadcast is triggered but i can´t get the fenceKey and fenceStatus , i´m trying with different events for test.

In the AndroidManifest.xml i added permissions, api key and declared the broadcast .

         <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACTIVITY_RECOGNITION" />
         <uses-permission android:name="com.google.android.gms.permission.ACTIVITY_RECOGNITION" />

                <action android:name="com.safycab.safycab.FENCE_RECEIVER_ACTION" />

            android:value="@string/awareness_key" />

This is my FenceReceiver.kt, here is the problem when i got the event of headphones fence i try to get the fenceKey and fenceStatus but i got fenceKey = null and fenceStatus = 0

class FenceReceiver : BroadcastReceiver() {
    override fun onReceive(context: Context, intent: Intent) {
        val fenceState = FenceState.extract(intent)

        context.showLocalNotification("fence key " + fenceState.fenceKey + " fence state" + fenceState.currentState)

Here is where i register the Fences, here all permissions are checked and accepted, the register is working good

class FenceApiUtils(var activity: BaseActivity<*, *>) {

    var drivingFence = DetectedActivityFence.starting(DetectedActivityFence.IN_VEHICLE)

    var walkingFence = DetectedActivityFence.starting(DetectedActivityFence.ON_FOOT)

    val headPhoneFence = HeadphoneFence.during(HeadphoneState.PLUGGED_IN)

    fun createFences() {
        val intent = Intent(activity, FenceReceiver::class.java)

        val pendingIntent = PendingIntent.getBroadcast(
            activity.applicationContext, 0,
            PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT or PendingIntent.FLAG_IMMUTABLE

                .addFence(VEHICLE_FENCE_KEY, drivingFence, pendingIntent)
                .addFence(WALKING_FENCE_KEY, walkingFence, pendingIntent)
                .addFence(HEADPHONE_FENCE, headPhoneFence, pendingIntent)
        ).addOnSuccessListener {
            log("Fence was successfully registered.")
        }.addOnFailureListener {
            log("Fence could not be registered: ${it.message}")


If i do this method i can check that the fence is correctly registered

 fun queryFence(key: String) {
            .queryFences(FenceQueryRequest.forFences(listOf(key))).addOnSuccessListener {
                val map = it.fenceStateMap
                for (fenceKey in map.fenceKeys) {
                    val fenceState = map.getFenceState(fenceKey)
                        "Fence " + fenceKey + ": "
                                + fenceState?.currentState
                                + ", was="
                                + fenceState?.previousState
            }.addOnFailureListener {

And if i do this i got the user activity correctly

Awareness.getSnapshotClient(requireActivity()).detectedActivity.addOnSuccessListener {
                val act = it.activityRecognitionResult
                val dtc = act.mostProbableActivity
                val conf = dtc.confidence
                val activityStr = dtc.toString()
                requireContext().showLocalNotification("Activity: $activityStr, Confidence: $conf/100")
            }.addOnFailureListener {

Change the pending intent flag from FLAG_IMMUTABLE to FLAG_MUTABLE :

val pendingIntent = PendingIntent.getBroadcast(
    activity.applicationContext, 0,
    PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT or PendingIntent.FLAG_MUTABLE

Unfortunately the documentation doesn't show how to create the mPendingIntent in https://developers.google.com/awareness/android-api/fence-register , but for me this did the trick.

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