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pandas: for loop to merge on multiple columns

I have two dataframes which I am trying to combine. The first dataset had agents IDs and multiple columns with skills assigned to each agent.


Login ID Skill Assignment 1 Skill Assignment 2 Skill Assignment 3
1000. 500 7008. 1655.
1001. 2590. 3846. 3847.
1002. 500. 2226. .

The second dataframe has call volume information split by agent and skill.


Logid. Skill Call Volume
1000. 500. 150.
1000. 7008. 54.
1000. 1655. 70.
1001. 2590. 30.
1001. 3846. 240.
1001. 3847. 120.
1002. 500 230.
1002. 2226. 45.

I am trying to add call volume to each agents & skill assignment using for loop, the df has 120 columns, to create new df with skill assignments and call volumes:


Login ID Skill Assignment 1 Call Volume 1 Skill Assignment 2 Call Volume 2
1000. 500 150. 7008. 54.
1001. 2590. 30. 3846. 240.
1002. 500. 230. 2226. 45.

I am trying to merge the two datasets and rename the Call Volume column each time is added on:

for i in number_list:
 df3 = pd.merge(df1, df2, how = 'left', left_on = [df1['Login ID'], df1['Skill Assignment ' +str(i)]], right_on = ['Logid', 'Skill'])
 df3.rename({'Call Volume' : 'Call Volume ' + str(i)}, axis = 1, inplace = True).drop(['Logid', 'Skill'], axis = 1)

When the code runs it keeps only the 120 column. Is there a way to keep each column or more adequate way to add the Call Volumes to each skill?

Assuming the '.' character that appears in df1 and df2 is not there,

I think what you're looking for is something along these lines, using melt :

df1_melt=pd.melt(df1,id_vars='Login ID', value_name='Skill', var_name='Skill Assignment')
df3=df2.merge(df1_melt, left_on=['Logid.','Skill'], right_on=['Login ID','Skill'], how='left').drop('Logid.', axis=1)

I believe df3 is the relationship you're looking for. If further grouping is necessary, you can use pivot:

df_pivot=df3.pivot_table(index=['Login ID'], columns=['Skill'], values=['Call Volume','Skill Assignment'] )

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