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How to access messages.properties with thymeleaf from javascript, but using variables defined in javascript

I want to access the values of the messages.properties but concatenate some value obtained from javascript to it. I am trying to do something like this:

<script th:inline="javascript">
     var identificationTypeId = 1;
     var identificationTypeValue = [[#{identificationType.identificationTypeId}]];

I have in mesagges.properties this:enter code here


I appreciate the help

You can't. Thymeleaf doesn't have access to client side JavaScript variables.

Alternatives might include:

  1. Putting all the messages you need available into your JavaScript and accessing it with JavaScript. Something like this for example:

     var messages = []; messages[0] = /*[[#{identificationType.0}]]*/ ''; messages[1] = /*[[#{identificationType.1}]]*/ ''; messages[2] = /*[[#{identificationType.2}]]*/ ''; var identificationTypeId = 1; var identificationTypeValue = messages[identificationTypeId];
  2. Using an ajax call to retrieve the message.

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