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How to configure JaCoCo in a custom gradle plugin?

I am writing a custom Gradle plugin which shall unifiedly abstract from my custom gradle configurations which are spread across multiple Java projects. For this purpose, I generally try to find fitting extensions for the various tasks that need custom configuration.

So, I got to the point where I wanted to move my JaCoCo configuration to the plugin. The excerpt from build.gradle looks like this:

jacocoTestReport {
    reports {
        xml.required = true

The first part is manageable: check if the plugin is loaded.

project.getPlugins().withType(JacocoPlugin.class, jacocoPlugin -> {
  // configure it

However, I am stuck with how to actually configure the plugin via an extension method. The only extension that is available seems to be JacocoPluginExtension . From there, I don't see a way how to add the reports part from build.gradle.

Is there some other mechanism besides extensions that I missed?

'jacocoTestReport' is actually a task, so you can configure it like this:

    proj.tasks.getByName("jacocoTestReport", {
        reports {
            xml.required = true

If you'd like to dig deeper, it's class is JacocoReport , which has a JacocoReportsContainer reports property, so you may use type safe property getters / setters from there, but IMHO the above solution is more like build.gradle, so it's more readable.

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