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Copy from S3 to GCS files with different date

I have to move files from S3 to GCS. The problem i have is on mondays they uploads files from monday but also of saturdays and sundays and this files have different dates. For example: stack_20220430.csv, stack_20220501.csv. I need to move this files in the same airflow run, is that posible? I'm using the S3ToGCSOperator:


Obviously the problem is that prefix takes a fixed value. I can assign a range for {{ds}}?

The S3ToGCSOperator copy/move all files in the bucket/key you provided. It does it by listing all of them and then iterate each file and copy it to GCS.

prefix is templated field so you can use {{ ds }} with it.

You can always inherit from S3ToGCSOperator and customize the behavior of the operator to your specific needs.

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