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Reverse Proxy and Akamai

I'm trying to understand how a reverse proxy may impact our website and its performance. We are looking to create a reverse proxy with servers in two locations:

The main server that hosts our website is in Atlanta.

A subsection of the main website is hosted in Washington state on a subdomain.

We'd like all requests to the subdomain to be redirected to a subfolder on the main website via a reverse proxy.

Can this be done without performance issues considering the two servers are so far apart?

If anyone has experience with Akamai can it be used to accomplish a reverse proxy setup like this? If so roughly how hard is it to set up for a well-trained Akamai engineer (easy, medium, hard)?

If you're using Akamai, configure your Akamai property to deliver content for your website from your origin in Atlanta (default origin). Then setup a rule for Akamai to source content from your origin in Washington based a specific path (Ie website subsection). https://techdocs.akamai.com/property-mgr/docs/path-match

This way Akamai has direct access to each origin and can optimize delivery accordingly. This also helps avoid your reverse proxy from being a single point of failure.


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