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Java socket io client fail to connect to socket io nodejs server

I am using v4 of socket-io nodejs server. I am using v2 of java socket-io client.

private val uri: URI = URI.create("MY_URL")
    private val options: IO.Options = IO.Options.builder() // IO factory options
        .setMultiplex(true) // low-level engine options
        .setTransports(arrayOf(Polling.NAME, WebSocket.NAME))
        .setExtraHeaders(null) // Manager options
        .setTimeout(20000) // Socket options
    val socket: Socket = IO.socket(uri,options)



        socket.on("userjoined") { args ->
            statusText.text = args[0].toString()

        socket.on("disconnected") { args ->
            statusText.text = args[0].toString()

        socket.on("receiveMessage") { args ->

Nothing really happens. No error msgs.There are definitely no issues from server side as our web app which uses reactjs and socket-io client library for web is able to connect to the server and pass messages. I am not able to figure out what exactly is going wrong.

我在 js 客户端和烧瓶服务器上遇到了同样的问题,我检查了日志,这是一个超时错误,你看起来像是一个超时错误,因为它没有响应。

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