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Azure Premium Function with static outbound IP-address using NAT Gateway not working

We have followed the instuctions in https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-functions/functions-how-to-use-nat-gateway several times without getting it to work (it changes outbound IP-address).

We have:

  1. Created .net with address with su.net delegated to Microsoft.Web/serverFarms (
  2. Created static IP address
  3. Created NAT Gateway and attached it to the static IP Address and the su.net
  4. Deployed a Azure Premium Function attached to the su.net
  5. Set WEBSITE_.NET_ROUTE_ALL=1 on function
  6. Invoked test-endpoint looking up functions outbound IP using GET whatsmyip.org
  7. Recreating Su.net and reattached the function several times

All resources are setup in region "West Europe". Does anyone have a clue or insights on why this should not work?

Kind of embarrassing - but it turned out that one should not use whatsmyip.org from scripts/bots - since it then returns bogus ip-addresses. Using https://ifconfig.me showed that this worked all the time.

Thanks to Matt Douhan for pointing me in the right direction by verifing that the NAT Gateway actually got the traffic

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