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Using VBA's onboard sort function

I want to sort an array and since I am lazy I wanted to use the onboard sort function of EXCEL/VBA. According to the official MS Office support worksheetfunctions.sort should also be working with arrays, see here . Here is my first try.

Sub sorting()

Dim myArray1() As Double
Dim myArray2() As Double
ReDim myArray1(1 To 5)

myArray1(1) = 0.221157
myArray1(2) = -0.147981
myArray1(3) = -2.07119
myArray1(4) = 4.434685
myArray1(5) = -2.706056

myArray2 = WorksheetFunction.Sort(myArray1, 1, 1)

End Sub

This produces a type mismatch error, therefore I have adjusted my code to

Sub sorting()

Dim myArray1() As Variant
Dim myArray2() As Variant
ReDim myArray1(1 To 5)

myArray1(1) = 0.221157
myArray1(2) = -0.147981
myArray1(3) = -2.07119
myArray1(4) = 4.434685
myArray1(5) = -2.706056

myArray2 = WorksheetFunction.Sort(myArray1, 1, 1)

End Sub  

The code runs without any error, but myArray2 is not sorted, it is just a copy of myArray1.

I am using:

Microsoft® Excel® for Microsoft 365 MSO (Version 2204 Build 16.0.15128.20128) 32-bit

Your problem is connected to the fourth function parameter...

It is Optional , but its makes sorting by rows if not used ( False ). Since you try sorting a 1D array not having any row, it does not sort anything.

You should use:

   myArray2 = WorksheetFunction.Sort(myArray1, 1, 1, True)

Such an array has only columns...

Note : The array to be filtered must be declared As Variant , in the same way it is needed to be declared when it will be loaded from a range. The above function does not accept such an array declared As Double , As Long ...

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