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C# WTelegramClient Telegram-API How to programmatically click a button in a message from Telegram-Bot

The program communicates with Telegram-Bot. A text message is sent to the bot. The bot responds to the message. The answer contains 3 buttons. Question: How to click on a button programmatically?

Create a Telegram client:

_client = new WTelegram.Client(Config):
_user = await _client.LoginUserIfNeeded();

Finding a bot:

var contacts = await _client.Contacts_Search("@Search_bot", 20);
contacts.users.TryGetValue(1911124859, out peerBot));

Sending a request (message) to the Bot:

var message = await _client.SendMessageAsync(peerBot, "REQUEST");

We get an answer:

var differenceMessages = await _client.Updates_GetDifference(state.pts, state.date, state.qts);

We understand the answer. We find a button. How to send a message to the Bot that we clicked on the button?

TL.Message tLMessage = null;
if (differenceMessages != null)
    if(differenceMessages.NewMessages != null)
        foreach (var difference in differenceMessages.NewMessages)
            tLMessage = difference as TL.Message;
            if(tLMessage != null && tLMessage.peer_id.ID == peerBot.ID )
                if (!(tLMessage.reply_markup is ReplyMarkup replyMarkup)) continue;
                TL.ReplyInlineMarkup replyInlineMarkup = (ReplyInlineMarkup)replyMarkup;
                if (replyInlineMarkup.rows[2].buttons[0].Text == "Check text on Button")
                    ***//TODO We want to click on this button!***

An inline button can be one of several types .
Let's assume you're talking about a Callback button (that sends its callback to the bot)..

Searching through the full list of API methods available , you would quickly find that the right method to proceed to clicking on that button is messages.getBotCallbackAnswer (so Messages_GetBotCallbackAnswer in WTelegramClient naming)

Therefore, in your case, you would write something like this:

if (replyInlineMarkup.rows[2].buttons[0] is KeyboardButtonCallback btnCallback)
    var answer = await client.Messages_GetBotCallbackAnswer(peerBot, tLMessage.id, data: btnCallback.data);

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