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How to use peerjs (import and require both fail)

I want to use peerjs in a script (that I use in a html file). When I try import Peer from "peerjs" , I get an error saying "Cannot use import statement outside a module". When I try var Peer = require("peerjs") , I get an error saying simply "require is not defined". Is there a way to use peerjs ? If yes, what is it ?

if you want to use a library inside an HTML file you need to include its file in a script tag.
for example in your case, PeerJS documentation instructs to add this line:

<script src="https://unpkg.com/peerjs@1.3.2/dist/peerjs.min.js"></script>

and then you can create a peer and connect.

take a look here: PeerJS

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