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React Boostrap Select, First Select Option ins not triggered by onChange event

I'm using React Boostrap Select component :

  <Form.Group className="mb-1">
      className="iig-form-label d-inline-block text-truncate"
      Type de projet &nbsp;
      {loadingTypes && <Spinner animation="grow" size="sm" />}
      aria-label="Default select example"
      onChange={(e) => handleChange(e)}
      // THIS IS THE DEFAULT OPTION THAT IS NOT TRIGGERED    <-------------------
        value={currentType ? currentType["@id"] : ""}
          currentType ? currentType?.category?.label : ""
          ? currentType.label
          : `Choisir parmi la
        liste des types de projets`}
      {filteredTypes.map((filteredTypes, key) => {
        return (

I added a default option to show.

When I click on the default option the onChange event is not triggered.

How can I fix that?

I couldn't follow your example, so I created a minimal example to show you how it works:

  • Create state to store the value and give the id/value of the selected option you want to see initially as default value
  • Write onChange handler
  • Pass state value and onChange handler to Form.Select
  • In Form.Select iterate over you select options list


const selectOptions = [
  { value: "js", label: "Javascript" },
  { value: "ja", label: "Java" },
  { value: "py", label: "Python" },
  { value: "go", label: "Go" },
  { value: "cs", label: "C#" }

export default function App() {
  const [value, selectValue] = useState("js");
  const handleChange = (event) => selectValue(event.target.value);
  return (
    <Form.Group className="mb-1">
      <Form.Select value={value} onChange={handleChange}>
        {selectOptions.map((option) => {
          return <option value={option.value}>{option.label}</option>;


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