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Python pandas : pivot_table simple string aggregation and sort

I'm trying to achieve something with pandas which is very straightforward to do in Excel PivotTable:




From what I've seen, the following code seems logic, but it doesn't work. And bottom line I'm wondering how complex can it get to implement such a simple aggregation. Any suggestions?

pt = pd.pivot_table(data=df,
           aggfunc = 'count',
           index = ["root_name", "rca"],
           values = ["rca"],
           margins = True).sort_values(['rca'], 

EDIT: Sample input data and output

    try: from io import StringIO  # Python 3
except: from StringIO import StringIO  # Python 2

import pandas as pd

TESTDATA = u"""root_name;rca
Mobile Voice;mib manual manipulation
Mobile Voice;mib manual manipulation
Mobile Voice;defect
Mobile Voice;mnp
Mobile Voice;defect
Mobile Voice;ceased in mib before dqt run
Mobile Voice;mnp
Mobile Voice;ceased in mib before dqt run
Mobile Voice;mnp
Mobile Voice;dq
Mobile Voice;no dq
Mobile Voice;no dq
Mobile Voice;asset ceased while order was pending
Mobile Voice;no dq
Mobile Voice;mnp
Mobile Voice;salto replication delay
Mobile Voice;provide order created dq
Mobile Voice;mib manual manipulation
Mobile Voice;mnp
Mobile Voice;mnp
Mobile Voice;ceased in mib before dqt run
Mobile Voice;mnp
Mobile Voice;mib manual manipulation

df = pd.read_csv(StringIO(TESTDATA), sep=';', usecols= ['root_name', 'rca'], engine='python')

pt = pd.pivot_table(data=df,
               aggfunc = 'count',
               index = ["root_name", "rca"],
               values = ["rca"],
               margins = True)

print (pt.sort_values(['rca'], 

Result: Empty DataFrame Columns: [] Index: [(Mobile Voice, salto replication delay), (Mobile Voice, provide order created dq), (Mobile Voice, no dq), (Internet, mnp), (Mobile Voice, mnp), (Mobile Voice, mib manual manipulation), (Internet, dq), (Mobile Voice, dq), (Mobile Voice, defect), (Mobile Voice, ceased in mib before dqt run), (Mobile Voice, asset ceased while order was pending), (All, )]

Try to add 'count' field to your data frame and then just group by using count() method:

df['count'] = 1
df.groupby(by=['root_name', 'rca']).count().sort_index('rca')


root_name    rca                                        
Internet     dq                                        3
             mnp                                       3
Mobile Voice asset ceased while order was pending      1
             ceased in mib before dqt run              3
             defect                                    2
             dq                                        1
             mib manual manipulation                   4
             mnp                                       7
             no dq                                     3
             provide order created dq                  1
             salto replication delay                   1

Small tweak to reproduce excel results, by adding "root_name" sum field:

grouped_sum = df.groupby(by='root_name').sum().reset_index(level=[0])
grouped = df.merge(grouped_sum, how='left', on='root_name')
grouped.rename(columns={'count_x': 'count', 'count_y': 'sum'}, inplace=True)
       root_name                                   rca  count  sum
0   Mobile Voice               mib manual manipulation      1   23
1   Mobile Voice               mib manual manipulation      1   23
2       Internet                                    dq      1    6

           index=[ "root_name", "sum", "rca"],
           margins=True).sort_values(["sum", 'root_name', 'rca'], 
           ascending=[False, True, True]


root_name    sum rca                                       
All                                                      29
Mobile Voice 23  asset ceased while order was pending     1
                 ceased in mib before dqt run             3
                 defect                                   2
                 dq                                       1
                 mib manual manipulation                  4
                 mnp                                      7
                 no dq                                    3
                 provide order created dq                 1
                 salto replication delay                  1
Internet     6   dq                                       3
                 mnp                                      3

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