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NodeJS PKG How to exclude source code from being included in plain text

For various reason, including protecting my source code and just a right click to execute instead of installing node, npm ci, etc... I would like to package my nodejs app into an executable.

From my research I found

I'm trying to use pkg because it felt easier to use after a first look at it. But on a sandbox project to test his capabilities, I came across an issue.

Considering :

// /src/module.js
function bar(str) {
  let tic = "another sensitive place";

function foo() {
  if (true) {
    return "some really important business are done and the how should";

module.exports = {
// index.js
const mod = require("./src/module.js");

And the pkg configuration in package.json

  // many lines ommited
  "bin": "index.js",
  "pkg": {
    "scripts": [
    "targets": [
    "outputPath": "bin/"
  // many more lines ommited

When opening the .exe file generated in ./bin directory by the command pkg . , I can find my code in plain text. Why ? How to make pkg only include the bytecode ? And yes, I'm aware of string being plain text even in bytecode, but at least the logic around is protected.

Screenshot of /bin/index.exe clear code in generated executable

I figured out why my code was included in plain text and in bytecode. And I though posting the answer for futur reader might be better than deleting my question.

From the documentation of pkg , in the Other considerations section :

By default, pkg will check the license of each package and make sure that stuff that isn't meant for the public will only be included as bytecode.

I conducted more tests and if the package.json have either the property private set to true (or "true" ) or the license property set to public license (eg: ISC).

In my case, the npm init used to create my sandbox project set the license property to ISC .

Removing the licence property from package.json solved the issue.

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