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How to get role permissions ? Discord.js

I'm trying to make a bot that analyzes the server to find a flaw but I can't find how to know a precise authorization for a role? I have already tested this:

var role = message.mentions.roles.first()

else message.reply("NO")

I always receive Yes as a message

You are doing the if/else wrong, instead do it like this:

var role = message.mentions.roles.first()

if (role.permissions.has(Permissions.FLAGS.KICK_MEMBERS)) {
    message.reply({ content: "YES" })
} else {
    message.reply({ content: "NO" })

You don't need to put Discord infront of Permissions, and message.reply('') is deprecated, instead use message.reply({ content: '' })

 Old: channel.send(embed);
 New: channel.send({ embeds: [embed, embed2] });

 Old: channel.send('Hello!', { embed });
 New: channel.send({ content: 'Hello!', embeds: [embed, embed2] });

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