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"Iceberg query cannot be parsed" when trying to create Iceberg table with MAP column data type in Athena?

According to the Athena Iceberg documentation , the map type is supported.

Why do neither of these statements work?

CREATE TABLE iceberg_test1 (id string, themap map)
  LOCATION 's3://mybucket/test/iceberg1'
  TBLPROPERTIES ( 'table_type' = 'ICEBERG' );


Iceberg query cannot be parsed

Second try:

CREATE TABLE iceberg_test1 (id string, themap map<varchar,varchar>)
  LOCATION 's3://mybucket/test/iceberg1'
  TBLPROPERTIES ( 'table_type' = 'ICEBERG' );

Same error:

Iceberg query cannot be parsed

Neither map (without specifying the key/value types) nor varchar are valid Iceberg types. See the Iceberg documentation for valid types .

CREATE TABLE iceberg_test1 (id string, themap map<string, string>)
  LOCATION 's3://mybucket/test/iceberg1'
  TBLPROPERTIES ( 'table_type' = 'ICEBERG' );

will work as long as you have permissions to access the S3 location.

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