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Semi oval shape in Jetpack Compose

I am trying to create a custom selectable composable and for the selected indicator, I would like to have a section at the end of the composable with a rounded edge. The final look would be something like this:


What I have currently is a box at the end with the correct background and I am trying to have another box just before which will act as the rounded edge.

The issue is that I am trying to use a GenericShape within the clip modifier and play with the Path . I have use a quadraticBezierTo function but the result isn't great since the top start and bottom start edges are very sharp.

I have looked for some Oval shap in Compose but I haven't found my luck yet.

Here is my current implementation:

fun SelectableCard(
    information: @Composable RowScope.(modifier: Modifier) -> Unit,
    selected: Boolean = false
) {
        modifier = Modifier
    ) {
            modifier = Modifier
        ) {
                modifier = Modifier
                        vertical = dimensionResource(id = R.dimen.spacing_semi_small),
                        horizontal = dimensionResource(id = R.dimen.spacing_small),
            // Selected indicator
                modifier = Modifier
                        GenericShape { size, _ ->
                            val width: Float = size.width
                            val height: Float = size.height

                            // Starting point
                            moveTo(width, 0f)
                                x1 = 0f,
                                y1 = height / 2,
                                x2 = width,
                                y2 = height
                modifier = Modifier

You can use a GenericShape like:

class OvalCornerShape(
    size: Dp
) : Shape {

    override fun createOutline(
        size: Size,
        layoutDirection: LayoutDirection,
        density: Density
    ): Outline {
        val rect = size.toRect()
        val path = Path().apply {
        return Outline.Generic(path)

and apply it to the Box . Something like:

    modifier = Modifier
) {

    // Selected indicator
        modifier = Modifier
            .offset(x= 10.dp)

        modifier = Modifier



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