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Possible to do Shibboleth authentication on local dev environment?

I have a Java/Spring application that is running on a Tomcat server. The application uses Shibboleth/SAML for getting user access and it works fine.

However I would like to run/debug the application on my local dev environment(on local Tomcat). I wonder if it is possible to set up something and get prompted by the same service provider so that I can log into the application like it is on the production environment.

From https://stackoverflow.com/a/28061252/1534925

[samltest.id][1] is good way to test shibboleth.

You cannot use localhost as SP to connect to remote IDp , that iDp won't find any SP to return to because localhost means it's own system so IDp would go in it's local system and find your given SP's entity ID. It won't find that entity ID so it would give such error.

These two approach may help you

  1. Give your machine some public IP and try connect to IDp with that SP.
  2. If you cannot make public IP, make both SP and IDp in your local system . My [ this ][2] answer may help you.

[1]: https://samltest.id/ [2]: https://stackoverflow.com/a/21278524/1534925

and https://stackoverflow.com/a/21278524/1534925

Yes you sure can.

Download and install SP and idP in that machine, configure metadata for both to communicate to localhost or for better ease use two domains for SP and idP,

C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc here add two domains localhost-sp and localhost-idp to the hosts file.

So you have now two differet domains for sp and idp.

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