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ElasticSearch provides different TF-IDF scores within a same index

I'm currently trying to setup a combined query made of several match fuzzy queries. I noticed something I'd like to have an explanation for before I move to combining queries. I have documents indexed such as the following in a single index text :

    "article": "someArticleName",
    "articleInfo": "someInfo", // potentially missing if this matters
    "userId": 2

If I run the following query:

                {"term":{"userId":{"value": 2}}}
            "should": {"match":{"article":{"fuzziness":"AUTO","query":"1705aa"}}}
    "explain": True

then I receive this as result:

{'took': 16,
 'timed_out': False,
 '_shards': {'total': 5, 'successful': 5, 'skipped': 0, 'failed': 0},
 'hits': {'total': {'value': 6, 'relation': 'eq'},
  'max_score': 3.5664783,
  'hits': [{'_index': 'text',
    '_type': '_doc',
    '_id': 'id-1',
    '_score': 3.5664783,
    '_source': {'id': 'id-1',
     'article': '1705aa',
     'indexName': 'text',
     'currentVersion': 0,
     'userId': 2,
     'indexedUtc': '2022-05-23T07:47:48.6175402+00:00'}},
   {'_index': 'text',
    '_type': '_doc',
    '_id': 'id-2',
    '_score': 1.3915253,
    '_source': {'id': 'id-2',
     'article': '1705aa',
     'articleInfo': 'someInfo',
     'userId': 2,
     'indexedUtc': '2022-05-23T09:57:11.8080429+00:00'}},

and this as an explanation:

{'description': 'sum of:',
 'details': [{'description': 'weight(article:1705aa in 220) '
                             '[PerFieldSimilarity], result of:',
              'details': [{'description': 'score(freq=1.0), computed as boost '
                                          '* idf * tf from:',
                           'details': [{'description': 'boost',
                                        'details': [],
                                        'value': 2.2},
                                       {'description': 'idf, computed as log(1 '
                                                       '+ (N - n + 0.5) / (n + '
                                                       '0.5)) from:',
                                        'details': [{'description': 'n, number '
                                                                    'of '
                                                                    'documents '
                                                                    'containing '
                                                     'details': [],
                                                     'value': 1},
                                                    {'description': 'N, total '
                                                                    'number of '
                                                                    'documents '
                                                                    'with '
                                                     'details': [],
                                                     'value': 37}],
                                        'value': 3.232121},
                                       {'description': 'tf, computed as freq / '
                                                       '(freq + k1 * (1 - b + '
                                                       'b * dl / avgdl)) from:',
                                        'details': [{'description': 'freq, '
                                                                    'occurrences '
                                                                    'of term '
                                                                    'within '
                                                     'details': [],
                                                     'value': 1.0},
                                                    {'description': 'k1, term '
                                                                    'saturation '
                                                     'details': [],
                                                     'value': 1.2},
                                                    {'description': 'b, length '
                                                                    'normalization '
                                                     'details': [],
                                                     'value': 0.75},
                                                    {'description': 'dl, '
                                                                    'length of '
                                                     'details': [],
                                                     'value': 1.0},
                                                    {'description': 'avgdl, '
                                                                    'average '
                                                                    'length of '
                                                     'details': [],
                                                     'value': 1.2972972}],
                                        'value': 0.50156736}],
                           'value': 3.5664783}],
              'value': 3.5664783},
             {'description': 'match on required clause, product of:',
              'details': [{'description': '# clause',
                           'details': [],
                           'value': 0.0},
                          {'description': 'userId:[2 TO 2]',
                           'details': [],
                           'value': 1.0}],
              'value': 0.0}],
 'value': 3.5664783}
{'currentVersion': 0,
 'id': 'id-1',
 'indexName': 'text',
 'indexedUtc': '2022-05-23T07:47:48.6175402+00:00',
 'article': '1705aa',
 'userId': 2}
{'description': 'sum of:',
 'details': [{'description': 'weight(article:1705aa in 0) '
                             '[PerFieldSimilarity], result of:',
              'details': [{'description': 'score(freq=1.0), computed as boost '
                                          '* idf * tf from:',
                           'details': [{'description': 'boost',
                                        'details': [],
                                        'value': 2.2},
                                       {'description': 'idf, computed as log(1 '
                                                       '+ (N - n + 0.5) / (n + '
                                                       '0.5)) from:',
                                        'details': [{'description': 'n, number '
                                                                    'of '
                                                                    'documents '
                                                                    'containing '
                                                     'details': [],
                                                     'value': 5},
                                                    {'description': 'N, total '
                                                                    'number of '
                                                                    'documents '
                                                                    'with '
                                                     'details': [],
                                                     'value': 20}],
                                        'value': 1.3397744},
                                       {'description': 'tf, computed as freq / '
                                                       '(freq + k1 * (1 - b + '
                                                       'b * dl / avgdl)) from:',
                                        'details': [{'description': 'freq, '
                                                                    'occurrences '
                                                                    'of term '
                                                                    'within '
                                                     'details': [],
                                                     'value': 1.0},
                                                    {'description': 'k1, term '
                                                                    'saturation '
                                                     'details': [],
                                                     'value': 1.2},
                                                    {'description': 'b, length '
                                                                    'normalization '
                                                     'details': [],
                                                     'value': 0.75},
                                                    {'description': 'dl, '
                                                                    'length of '
                                                     'details': [],
                                                     'value': 1.0},
                                                    {'description': 'avgdl, '
                                                                    'average '
                                                                    'length of '
                                                     'details': [],
                                                     'value': 1.1}],
                                        'value': 0.472103}],
                           'value': 1.3915253}],
              'value': 1.3915253},
             {'description': 'match on required clause, product of:',
              'details': [{'description': '# clause',
                           'details': [],
                           'value': 0.0},
                          {'description': 'userId:[2 TO 2]',
                           'details': [],
                           'value': 1.0}],
              'value': 0.0}],
 'value': 1.3915253}
{'currentVersion': 0,
 'id': 'id-2',
 'indexName': 'text',
 'indexedUtc': '2022-05-23T09:57:11.8080429+00:00',
 'article': ' 1705aa ',
 'articleInfo': 'someInfo'
 'userId': 2}

Why do I get a score of 3.5664783 for the first document and 1.3915253 for the second?
They're located in the same index and are both an exact match of the fuzzy query. Number of documents used in _explanation seem different and I don't understand why and how to get equal scores for both documents.

The response shows that you have 5 shards. Shards impact the relevance scoring. Your documents will be distributed among your shards and by default, Elasticsearch makes each shard responsible for producing its own scores. Hence, the number of documents used in the explanation is different for both the results.

Read more about impact of shards on scoring here and here

By default, Elasticsearch will use a search type called Query Then Fetch . The way it works is as follows:

  1. Send the query to each shard
  2. Find all matching documents and calculate scores using local Term/Document Frequencies
  3. Build a priority queue of results (sort, pagination with from/to, etc)
  4. Return metadata about the results to requesting node. Note, the actual document is not sent yet, just the scores
  5. Scores from all the shards are merged and sorted on the requesting node, docs are selected according to query criteria
  6. Finally, the actual docs are retrieved from individual shards where they reside. Results are returned to the client

To get more consistent score you can use DFS Query Then Fetch with your search query like this

GET /test_index/_search?search_type=dfs_query_then_fetch

It does the following:

  1. Prequery each shard asking about Term and Document frequencies
  2. Send the query to each shard
  3. Find all matching documents and calculate scores using global Term/Document Frequencies calculated from the prequery.
  4. Build a priority queue of results (sort, pagination with from/to, etc)
  5. Return metadata about the results to requesting node. Note, the actual document is not sent yet, just the scores
  6. Scores from all the shards are merged and sorted on the requesting node, docs are selected according to query criteria
  7. Finally, the actual docs are retrieved from individual shards where they reside. Results are returned to the client

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