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maven error "Property ${samedir} has not been set"

How to fix the maven checkstyle plugin error

[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-checkstyle-plugin:3.1.2:check (validate) on project yourproject: 
Failed during checkstyle execution: 
Failed during checkstyle configuration: unable to parse configuration stream:
Property ${samedir} has not been set -> [Help 1]

${samedir} is a property working well with eclipse plugin and is required to get related files mentioned in the checkstyle configuration working well with eclipse IDE. So either I need a consistent replacement, or I can tell maven to define the property

Any ideas how to fix this issue?

You will have to set these values via the plugin configuration in your pom.

Example configuration of pom.xml if you have a directory named checks in your project root:


And the checkstyle_maven.properties contents:


As an alternative to the <propertiesLocation> you can also use the following, in which case you don't need the .properties file:


This will make sure any configuration in checkstyle.xml will work like this:

<module name="Checker">
    <module name="SuppressionFilter">
        <property name="file" value="${samedir}/suppress.xml"/>

See for reference:

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