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how to check function name in dart

I found this answer, but this is not working because this is road syntax. I want to check if there is a function with the same name as the hash attribute in python.

import 'dart:mirrors';

class Test {
  method1() => "hello";

main() {
  print(existsFunction("main")); // true
  print(existsFunction("main1")); // false
  print(existsMethodOnObject(new Test(), "method1")); // true
  print(existsMethodOnObject(new Test(), "method2")); // false

bool existsFunction(String functionName) => currentMirrorSystem().isolate

bool existsMethodOnObject(Object o, String method) => reflect(o).type.methods
import 'dart:mirrors';

class Test {
  method1() => "hello";

main() {
  print(existsFunction("main")); // true
  print(existsFunction("main1")); // false
  print(existsMethodOnObject(Test(), "method1")); // true
  print(existsMethodOnObject(Test(), "method2")); // false
  print(existsMethodOnType<Test>("method1")); // true
  print(existsMethodOnType<Test>("method2")); // false

bool existsFunction(String functionName) => currentMirrorSystem()
    .any((e) => e is MethodMirror && e.simpleName == Symbol(functionName));

bool existsMethodOnObject(Object o, String method) => reflect(o)
    .any((e) => e is MethodMirror && e.simpleName == Symbol(method));

bool existsMethodOnType<T>(String method) => reflectClass(T)
    .any((e) => e is MethodMirror && e.simpleName == Symbol(method));



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