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Microsoft Analysis Services - Delete server objects and Visual Studio 2022 fails to deploy any cubes

I am testing out MS AS for possible use as an OLAP cube on our project.

I've been using the Visual Studio 2022 plugin for about a week and it all seems straightforward.

Just now I deleted a deployed setup from AS server and now when I build to deploy a cube it fails with:

The 'Global Config' cube was not found in the 'TestBonds' database on the '' server.

This is with 'Deploy All' set which I'd have thought forces it.

Global Config is my datasource name. I've tried a new project, inheriting the datasource, but it gives the same error.

I worked it out although that error message could be more descriptive!

Essentially it will not deploy, which is a good thing I guess:), until you work through any errors in the build panel.

I had some circular references and other 'relationship issues':).

I am still working out what is what as I come from a totally different OLAP building experience with Java and ActivePivot (which I think is based on the original MS AS anyway: .)).

So if you see weird errors and it will not deploy, work through any errors to get rid of them: I also changed the deploy settings to:

  • Processing Option: Full
  • Server Mode: Deploy All

to be on the safe side.

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