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ERROR::ASSIMP:: Expected different index count in <p> element

I developed a project on windows with visual studio 17 and it worked fine for me. Now I'm compiling it with cmake on a linux virtual machine (in virtualbox) and everything seems to be ok but when I run my program Assimp doesn't work.

When I create an importer to load an animation it prints an error:

ERROR::ASSIMP:: Expected different index count in <p> element.

but what drives me crazy is that it doesn't cause a crash in the program but it keeps going after printing this, it gets the scene like nothing happened, an assert is passed but when i take the animations i get a segmentation fault.

Here the code:

Assimp::Importer importer;
const aiScene* scene = importer.ReadFile(animationPath, aiProcess_Triangulate);
assert(scene && scene->mRootNode);
auto animation = scene->mAnimations[0];

Any ideas how to fix this?

To reproduce it: Virtualbox with Ubuntu 22.04 LTS os.

the repo can be cloned from here

You need Conan installed. When Conan is installed, just clone the repo and run the script called installer.sh it just installs some dependencies like xorg-dev, build-essential etc with apt-get install and some libraries with conan and configures the makefile with cmake and build it. Then, go to the build dir and run the program called Reskinner.

This is a known bug in the collada-implementation. The number of indices does not fit to the kind of primitive. I am not sure if this is caused by a wrong expectation from our collada parser or from an invalid model.

You can find the issue-report here: Problem with wrong indices

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