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Scraping Linkedin SalesNavigator with Selenium/BS on Python

I am trying to scrape the results of a Sales Navigator link using Selenium and BS on python. I first sign in to Linkedin and then use the driver.get(link) to access the SalesNav search URL in question. Unfortunately, the link redirects me to https://www.linkedin.com/sales/contract-chooser for no particular reason and loads indefinitely, if I simply copy paste the link on my browser, it works well. Here is my code:

# Sign in to LinkedIn account
driver = webdriver.Chrome("/Applications/chromedriver")
username = driver.find_element_by_id("username")
username.send_keys("EMAIL")  # Enter Your Email Address
pword = driver.find_element_by_id("password")



# Redirect to Page


Selenium is used to click elements, input thngs in textboxes etc. If you want to scrape things you shouldn't use selenium but beautifulsoup instead.

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