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ComboBox ItemsSource from MarkupExtension SelectedItem out of sync

I am struggling with the following.

I want to set a ComboBox 's ItemsSource with a object collection provided from a MarkupExtension .

Such as: ItemsSource="{ex:ItemsSource ModelType=m:Category}" where ItemsSource is a class ItemsSourceExtension deriving from MarkupExtension .

Problem is that when doing so, the ComboBox 's SelectedItem is null although its binding source has a value.

组合框选定项为空 组合框选定项为空 I have tried a lot. Have tried deriving from MarkupExtension and also tried subclassing Binding to no avail.

I want to simulate the use of a standard Binding, where it works fine.

Such as: ItemsSource="{Binding DataContext.Categories, RelativeSource={RelativeSource AncestorType=v:DetailView}}"

Result: 这是应该的

Finally figured it out. The ItemsSource object collection provided by the MarkupExtension were originating from different EntityFramework DbContext instances.

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