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Why Swift's malloc/MemoryLayout.size take/return signed integers?

public func malloc(_ __size: Int) -> UnsafeMutableRawPointer!

@frozen public enum MemoryLayout<T> {
    public static func size(ofValue value: T) -> Int

When in C malloc / sizeof take/return size_t which is unsigned? Isn't Swift calling libc under the hood?

EDIT: is this the reason why? https://qr.ae/pvFOQ6 They are basically trying to get away from C's legacy?

Yes, it's calling the libc functions under the hood.

The StdlibRationales.rst document in the Swift repo explains why it imports size_t as Int :

Converging APIs to use Int as the default integer type allows users to write fewer explicit type conversions.

Importing size_t as a signed Int type would not be a problem for 64-bit platforms. The only concern is about 32-bit platforms, and only about operating on array-like data structures that span more than half of the address space. Even today, in 2015, there are enough 32-bit platforms that are still interesting, and x32 ABIs for 64-bit CPUs are also important. We agree that 32-bit platforms are important, but the usecase for an unsigned size_t on 32-bit platforms is pretty marginal, and for code that nevertheless needs to do that there is always the option of doing a bitcast to UInt or using C.

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