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pytest is not running conftest.py to pick up custom command args

In a project im working on we have a step where we export a csv before exporting we run a regression test step against the report using pytest. pytest is invoked using the following command

    def _invoke_pytest(self):
                ,'--sample', self.sample_filepath

--sample and --expectations are custom args defined in the conftest.py using the following

def pytest_addoption(parser):
    parser.addoption("--sample", default=False)
    parser.addoption("--expectations", default=False)

when calling this code locally it works pytest finds the conf but when inside a docker container it doesnt pick up the conftest and therefore fails on running pytest. a simplified folder layout is as follows

├─ main/
│  ├─ export
│  ├─ invoke_pytest
├─ test/
│  ├─ regression/
│  │  ├─ conftest

any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks

通过将 conftest 移动到 src 文件夹中允许 pytest 找到它,该问题已得到解决

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