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ActiveMQ Artemis vs ActiveMQ "Classic" connection

Is there any difference between ActiveMQ Artemis connection configuration between aplication.yaml :




If you use only this dependency:


I assume that spring-boot-starter-artemis allows you to connect via JMS, and that is spring.activemq.XXX , and if you want to connect in the Artemis approach then you use spring.artemis.XXX the bean will autocofigure.

But I am not sure

I read the key differences on this page.

Which one is better? For JMS (ActiveMQConnectionFactory) I can use CachingConnectionFactory, is it needed for artemis auto-configuration?

If you're using spring-boot-starter-artemis that indicates you want to connect to an instance of ActiveMQ Artemis which means you'll want to configure spring.artemis.XXX properties. Assuming you're using spring-boot-starter-artemis 2.7.0 (ie the latest) you'll want to use spring.activemq.broker-url as referenced in the Spring documentation , eg:


The host and port properties you referenced were deprecated in favor of broker-url awhile back.

The documentation continues:

By default, a CachingConnectionFactory wraps the native ConnectionFactory with sensible settings that you can control by external configuration properties in spring.jms.* :


If you'd rather use native pooling, you can do so by adding a dependency to org.messaginghub:pooled-jms and configuring the JmsPoolConnectionFactory accordingly, as shown in the following example:

 spring.artemis.pool.enabled=true spring.artemis.pool.max-connections=50

Whether you use spring-boot-starter-artemis with spring.artemis.XXX properties or spring-boot-starter-activemq with spring.activemq.XXX properties the underlying Spring components will use JMS to connect.

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