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Set ObservableCollection as ObservableProperty

I'm switching to CommunityToolkit.Mvvm source generators to handle my view models and I'm a bit confused about how to handle ObservableCollection s.

My view model looks like this:

public partial class MyViewModel : ObservableObject
   string name;

   ObservableCollection<MyModel> data;

   async Task Init()
      // Fetch data from API
      var response = await _api.GetData();

           Name = response.Name;
           Data = new ObservableCollection<MyModel>(response.Data);

This doesn't seem to assign my data to the Name and Data properties. I think I'm supposed to assign to public properties ie Name and Data and NOT name and data . Am I right about that?

What am I doing wrong here? Do we use [ObservableProperty] with ObservableCollection also? I'm missing something here but not sure what.

Here are the answers:

  1. As @GeraldVersluis mentioned in the comments, we cannot create a new instance of the ObservableCollection during data assignment as it breaks the data binding.
  2. We do NOT use [ObservableProperty] with ObservableCollection 's as they automatically call NotifyPropertyChanged . Furthermore, quoting Brandon Minnick, ObservableCollection should always be a public read-only property, initialized using = new()
  3. We assign our data to public properties
  4. We need to use this to reference the property
  5. Also, notice that I added new(); to data to make sure it's instantiated and is not null

Final code looks like this:

public partial class MyViewModel : ObservableObject
   string name;

   ObservableCollection<MyModel> Data { get; } = new();

   async Task Init()
      // Fetch data from API
      var response = await _api.GetData();

           this.Name = response.Name;

           foreach(var item in response.Data)

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