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SpringBoot : possible to have dynmamic values/variables from application.properties into resources

For a SpringBoot app :

I have resources in src/main/resources : it can be JSON, XML... doesn't matter

Some resources are dynamic, for example :

     "url": "${propA.url}"

This propA.url is defined in application.properties :


Is it possible when building the project to finally having the real value after mvn package :

     "url": "http://localhost"

After compilation, it does not work.

The properties-maven-plugin can do this. In pom.xml :


Then the maven-resources-plugin will by default replace, for example, src/main/resources/app.json file if put like this:

    "url": "@propA.url@"


mvn package && less -FX target/classes/app.json

Will give you (if using the application.properties you mention above):

    "url": "http://localhost"

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