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Flutterfire configure not working in any possible way

I've tried to follow step by step all documentations, and I've miserably failed. I'm creating my very first app with Flutter and Android Studio on Windows .


i Found 0 Firebase projects. Selecting project five-six-seven-and-eight.
FirebaseCommandException: An error occured on the Firebase CLI when attempting to run a command.
COMMAND: firebase --version
ERROR: The FlutterFire CLI currently requires the official Firebase CLI to also be 
installed, see https://firebase.google.com/docs/cli#install_the_firebase_cli for how to install it.

I've downloaded:

  • the standalone bin in the project folder,
  • I've renamed it in firebase.exe
  • running firebase login:ci , saved the Token in System variables
  • running firebase init login works, firebase projects:list works (I can see my project on firebase).

Flutterfire configure --> fails!

I've then tried via node.js.

  • I've downloaded and installed Node.js
  • via CMD I've run npm install -g firebase-tools I can see the login and project list, but Flutterfire configure still fails:

Fetching available Firebase projects... Unhandled exception: FormatException: Unexpected character (at character 1) # ^

  • #0 _ChunkedJsonParser.fail (dart:convert-patch/convert_patch.dart:1383:5)
  • #1 _ChunkedJsonParser.parseNumber (dart:convert-patch/convert_patch.dart:1250:9)
  • #2 _ChunkedJsonParser.parse (dart:convert-patch/convert_patch.dart:915:22)
  • #3 _parseJson (dart:convert-patch/convert_patch.dart:35:10)
  • #4 JsonDecoder.convert (dart:convert/json.dart:612:36)
  • #5 runFirebaseCommand (package:flutterfire_cli/src/firebase.dart:95:25)
  • #6 getProjects (package:flutterfire_cli/src/firebase.dart:114:7)
  • #7 ConfigCommand._selectFirebaseProject (package:flutterfire_cli/src/commands/config.dart:264:24)
  • #8 ConfigCommand.run (package:flutterfire_cli/src/commands/config.dart:351:37)
  • #9 CommandRunner.runCommand (package:args/command_runner.dart:209:13)
  • #10 main (file:///C:/Users/***/AppData/Local/Pub/Cache/hosted/pub.dartlang.org/flutterfire_cli-0.2.2+2/bin/flutterfire.dart:57:5)

I've tried logout and login again. So then, I have no idea how to let my Flutter app in Android studio see/link/match my Firebase project so I can try my first auth.

To login with firebase run npm: Run npm install -g firebase-tools

Add FlutterFire to Windows Environment Variables


enter image description here

I had a similar situation a day ago.

After a lot of headaches, npm install -g firebase-tools works for me. Windows binary version has some bugs, I guess.

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