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How to process NonBlocking with Smallrye messaging and reactive http client?

I have the following code.

void process(String someEvent) {
     String someResponse = assuminglyRealFastReactiveClientCall();

The above code throws a blocking thread exception. Which is corrected with @Blocking .

void process(String someEvent) {
     String someResponse = assuminglyRealFastReactiveClientCall();

If I switch String assuminglyRealFastReactiveClientCall() to Uni<String> assuminglyRealFastReactiveClientCall()

I'm guessing the consumer method has to switch to manual ack strategy and the message needs to be acked/nacked based on the result of the subscribe, so?

void process(Message<String> someEvent) {
                .subscribe().with(s -> {
                    System.out.println("Response: " + s);
                }, t -> event.nack(t));

    Uni<Void> process(Message<String> someEvent) {
        return assuminglyRealFastReactiveClientCall()
                .chain(response -> Uni.createFrom().completionStage(someEvent.ack()));


    private void handleResponse(String response) {
        // Do something with the response

The paragraph Consuming Messages in the Smallrye Reactive messaging documentation has many more examples.

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