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Spring Application with SSO using Windows Credentials(via Kerberos)

I have a spring application with a login screen that authenticates credentials that the user has entered with users on our Active Ditectory(using LDAP). However I'd like to add the capability of SSO , specifically with the Windows Credentials that the user has entered upon logging into Windows.

I'm aware that since AD uses Kerberos it wouldn't be such a "hard" task to do and I've found one possible solution as to how to implement it , specifically this guide , with what I want to achieve being on this part of the page.

But honestly I don't seem to be able to understand how to implement it...

I have the following questions:

1)Which parts/classes should I implement for what I actually need , meaning which of the following classes are needed in reality?(AuthProviderConfig , SpnegoConfig , KerberosRestTemplate , KerberosLdapContextSource)

2)If all my users are on a Windows environment do I really need cached tickets(kinit) or keytab? In that case application.yml is also not needed , right?

3)What does the AD admin need to do on his side to configure/enable this SSO with Kerberos?(For the login screen Adapter that works I have the domain, url, rootDn, service user, user searchbase, service user password in my application properties)

Based on this thread , specifically on what the highest scored answer shows , I'm missing only step 1 and 2(I suppose?).

If anyone has maybe a better "guide" or tips that I can follow in order to implement this I'm all ears.

In any case thank you for your time and appreciate any feedback you could give me.

I realised similiar task using tutorial:


  1. You need modificate only WebSecurityConfig extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter - Add there Spnego filter from point 6.2 form this tutorial and beans with KerberosAuthenticationProvider. Spring has built-in kerberos machines that generate and decrypt spnego tokens themselves. On this case in filter you should authenticate all paths but In my case I used kerberos authentication on first time, and later I used JWT token what I had implemented before I implemented SSO.
  2. You need keytab file and ServicePrincipalName. You can generate it by kinit with user who have got access to users in AD.
  3. I found something like this: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/app-proxy/application-proxy-configure-single-sign-on-with-kcd

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