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Asp.net C# JWT Decode with private key (.p12)

I need to decode the encryptedToken with private key file .p12..

For private key, I already assign in X509Certificate2 and calling with

RSA privateKey = _x509private.GetRSAPrivateKey();

I am not using RSACryptoServiceProvider privateKey = _x509private.PublicKey.Key as RSACryptoServiceProvider; because that function is already deprecated.

But when I want to use this function to decode the encryptedToken string plainToken = Jose.JWT.Decode(encryptedToken, privateKey);

What I expected as output is token that I will verify token with public key. But, Unfortunately I get the error message of

Algorithm 'AesGcm' is not supported on this platform.

I was thinking the error message was arise because I didn't use RSACryptoServiceProvider as Private key.

I already search how to convert RSA to RSACryptoServiceProvider, but can't find anything...

I also considering not using the Jose.JWT.Decode() , but no luck...

Is there anyone that can help me?

PS: I am using .NET6 and Visual Studio Mac 2019 V.8

As bartonjs said in this comment , it only affects macOS.

.NET on macOS can't use Apple's AES-GCM implementation and requires OpenSSL to be installed to provide the algorithm. How to use .Net Core with Openssl3 on Mac OS? may help.

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