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String.fromCharCode() not working as intended

So, I'm trying to make a simple encryption and decryption application where the user inputs are upped by some amount of characters. For Eg: user inputs "abcd" then it converts to "bcde".

Code used for encryption:

 const encryptedInput = (input) => { try { // convert to array let splitInput = sanitize(input).split(""); //down the characters by derived let mapped = splitInput.map((element) => element == " " ? element : String.fromCharCode(element.charCodeAt(0) + process.env.NUMBEROFCHARS) ); let encryptedInput = mapped.join(""); // result return encryptedInput; //return } catch (err) {} };

The above code works perfectly fine. Its when I try to decrypt it back to original form, It gives me weird symbols and not the original message.

Code used for decryption:

 const decryptedInput = (input) => { try { // convert to array let splitInput = sanitize(input).split(""); //down the characters by derived let mapped = splitInput.map((element) => element == " " ? element : String.fromCharCode(element.charCodeAt(0) - process.env.NUMBEROFCHARS) ); let decryptedInput = mapped.join(""); // result return decryptedInput; //return } catch (err) {} };

Output / Result :

During encryption:
Input : abcd
Output : bcde

During decryption:
Input : bcde
Output : ϕϟϩϳ

But I want the output as abcd not ϕϟϩϳ.


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